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Can I get a same-day appointment? Do you offer walk-in clinic services?
We do keep same day appointments open for patients. We try to be as convenient as possible to meet the needs of every one of our patients. Walk ins are always welcome!
Are your services covered by my insurance?
We accept most major insurances and all services rendered will be billed to the insurance company. It is your responsibility to pay any costs that are not covered by your insurance*. As all insurance plans are different, it is your responsibility to determine coverage of services before they are rendered. Also, if you have a co-payment it is due at the time of service.Â
*Weight management is not billed to insurance as it is a cash program.
What if I do not have insurance or have a high deductable?
At Rockford Family Care we offer a Direct Primary Care plan that is designed just for you! It is a$50/month 12 month membership. This includes unlimited visits for the year. This is not an insurance plan. As it is a contractual agreement, if your membership fees become delinquent you will not benefit from any services until paid in full. If your account becomes delinquent you will also be subject to a late fee. The membership includes in house testing (flu, strep, urinalysis, etc.) and labs at a discounted rate. For more information give us a call, we will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Click the link below to view the contract.